The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
It’s time to FREEZE YOUR BUTT OFF! Rat City is holding its annual Test of Mettle run
on Sunday March 2 rd 2025. We’ll start out from the White Center Eagles (10452 15 th Ave
SW) with Kick-Stands Up at 11:00 a.m. They open their doors to public on Sunday
mornings for breakfast starting at 9:00 a.m. and the bar will be open. Registration for the
event will start at 9:30 so there’ll be plenty of time to fill your bellies and your bladders!
We’ll be sticking to Seattle locations for the day, with our first stop at Jule’s Maes Saloon
(5919 Airport Way S) in Georgetown, then the Central Saloon in Pioneer Square (207 1 st
Ave. S). A great lunch stop will be next at the Highliner Public House (3909 18 th Ave W)
at Fisherman’s Terminal on the Magnolia side of Salmon Bay. Finally, we’ll end at The
Dog House Bar and Grill (5800 4 th Ave. S) where we’ll tally up the High and Low Poker
Hands, draw a winning ticket for the 50/50, and give out some door prizes.